Sunday, April 19, 2009

Since last semester...

Let's see, we've been videoconferencing up a storm since first semester. Over Christmas, I wrote a grant through the Lancaster County Partner's for Youth and was funded!
So far, we've used the money for an awesome videoconference with the Cleveland Museum of Art. The session was for sixth grade art students as they began a unit on African masks. The conference was perfect because it introduced the students to examples of African masks from all over the continent. As the students saw pictures of different masks, they created a passport using stickers. After the videoconference, they created their own African masks, and the teacher was so pleased:)
Later on, all seventh graders studying World War II had a great time meeting with the educators at the World War II Museum in New Orleans. It was a videoconferencing marathon with six conferences scheduled over two days. They participated in a program called D-Day: The Turning Point of the War in Europe. They were able to use maps, real weather information, and photographs from the time period to make predictions about where the battle should be fought. After making a decision, they were able to see real footage about what really happened--the kids are still talking about it, and the teachers are interested in scheduling another video conference with another museum later in the year during their unit on the Vietnam war.
And how could I forget the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame videoconference with the band teacher's 8th grade band/music students. It was an awesome experience as we heard music, so video clips, and learned how hip-hop music started in New York City. At the end of the session, students were able to create two hip-hop tracks like the professionals do!
I'm also making plans with NASA for an 8th grade science unit on space, and the San Diego Zoo for a 6th grade unit on animal adaptations. It's so exciting! We just need more money$$$$

1 comment:

tjcs said...

Sounds interesting, Leigh! You're doing great things!