Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Internship--Week 1

This week has been full of decisions--I'm finally glad to start working toward some goals. It was so difficult developing my own goals and having to put them down on paper. I really struggled with where to begin. After looking at some examples from other semesters, I like the idea of creating video tutorials about different topics. In my job, I get asked lots of repeat questions, so it will be nice to be able to direct students and teachers to video resources that are available 24/7.

When I starting thinking about potential supervisors, I chose one of the district's instructional specialists in charge of technology. She has helped the media specialists with a recent changeover in circulation systems, has pushed for smartboard integration, and assists teachers with designing school-based webpage. When we met, she liked the tutorial ideas, but also mentioned that the district has some video-conferencing equipment that isn't being used. I agreed to take that on as a part of my internship! So there we are--video tutorials for students in using our circulation system, for teachers using email, and both groups using our website. I'll also be researching the possibilities for video-conferencing and then collaborating with a classroom teacher for some conferencing event. It will be a busy semester!

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