Monday, September 15, 2008

Internship--Week 2

I would call this week my research week. I spent a good portion of time researching on USC's website to find articles to begin my annotated bibliography. I did have some setbacks as I searched. After my first session, I thought had identified 10 different articles using the search term video-conferencing. After I printed them, though, (I like to read and highlight articles) I realized most of the articles were about teaching a distance education course. It turned out only three of the articles were along the lines of scheduling with an expert group like a museum or organization for some kind of video conference event with students.

I decided to change my search term to virtual field trip. Turns out that term can mean exactly what I was looking for, but it can also mean just a website with links/photos about a location. While helpful, those vft's lack the interactivity of an live expert responding to students' questions. After all this, I decided to combine the two phrases, and ended up with a good number articles that included both search terms. I even started compiling my annotated bibliography. I'm assuming we're using APA for this, right?

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