Saturday, September 27, 2008

Internship--Week 3

Making Progress. I'm knee deep in articles and books about video conferencing and am enjoying it immensely. I've completed the first draft of the annotated bibliography and have also started using some of the resources I uncovered to begin identifying possible video conferencing resources. The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration will likely be the most comprehensive resource.

I'm a little unsure how to approach the subject with some teachers, partly because I'm unsure how providers feel about conducting multiple events on the same day. If I work with a core academic teacher who has four classes, the program would work best if the teacher could bring all four classes at their regulary scheduled time to the event. At the same time, exploratory teachers meet with students on an A/B schedule, so an event for 6th grade art would need to be arranged for two consecutive days. All the what ifs are giving me a headache.

I consulted our school's curriculum map for the year have a general idea of the topics teachers will be covering the next few weeks. I used those topics to begin searching the catalog, but haven't find anything perfect yet. I'm still looking though and hope to be able to approach a teacher some time next week with a possible program event.


Unknown said...

Leigh... Here is a link to a book you might try to either locate or purchase. One of the authors, Jan Zanetis, is another great resource. She is currently the Global Education Director for TANDBERG, a videoconferencing equipment provider.

Also, you might want to register for a webinar overview of CILC's website and services. Here is a link to a calendar, which provides several days/time slots as options for signing up.

Good luck on your investigations, and CILC is here to help however we can.

Unknown said...

woops.... here is the link to the cilc calendar:

T Smyth said...

It sounds as though you are developing a thorough background by reading widely about your topic, Leigh. I look forward to hearing that you have actually begun developing the "products."
Good luck with identifying the teachers and classes that will best benefit.

Dawn said...

CILC also offers the ability to create customized catalogs. You could create one for each discipline or grade level or both!
Just go to and at the very top of the page is a menu bar. The second item from the left say Custom Catalog--click there and follow the directions!

Also, you can either print the catalogs OR save them online!
Hope you find this helplful.
Dawn C.

tjcs said...


Please share your tutorials with us!
Input from the class will help.